This quarter I gained so much knowledge and valuable insights from the world of HTML codes and tags. I learned how to make web pages using tags like <html>,<body>,<head> and elements such as <h1> to <h6> for headings, <p> for paragraph and <a> for hyperlinks. Unlocking how these codes work and function was both exciting and rewarding. I learned making tables, inserting images, files and more. This lesson is very advanced and I'm happy that we encounter this as early as now for us to have a knowledge for the future. Not just about tags and codes but also I learned how to manage my time in doing all of my hands on activities for me to pass it on time. Despite the happiness and excitement, I also faced challenges especially on interpreting what codes or tags I will use. There's so many tags and codes that it comes to the point thay I don't know what to use anymore, like the difference of using bg body color and body background....