This quarter I gained so much knowledge and valuable insights from the world of HTML codes and tags. I learned how to make web pages using tags like <html>,<body>,<head> and elements such as <h1> to <h6> for headings, <p> for paragraph and <a> for hyperlinks. Unlocking how these codes work and function was both exciting and rewarding. I learned making tables, inserting images, files and more. This lesson is very advanced and I'm happy that we encounter this as early as now for us to have a knowledge for the future. Not just about tags and codes but also I learned how to manage my time in doing all of my hands on activities for me to pass it on time.

    Despite the happiness and excitement, I also faced challenges especially on interpreting what codes or tags I will use. There's so many tags and codes that it comes to the point thay I don't know what to use anymore, like the difference of using bg body color and body background. Making mistake is frustrating yes, codes are not case sensitive but incorrect attributes and syntak will affect the whole file that leads to redo what you did and start from the very first step, this challenges really hard to face because we only have limited time to do it.

    To face this challenges, I used the internet and the concept notes given by our teacher to further understand the use of these HTML TAGS & CODES. Managing also help me to surpass the challenges that comes to my way. I also sought guidance from my teacher and classmate to help me understand what is the use of that specific tags. With them, I my journey to these quarter becomes more easier with their help and guidance.

    Moving forward, I will continue to understand and learn about tags and codes by exploring it not just what is given but also I will search others to add some knowledge on what the school already gave to me. I am consistent to learn those things for me to use it and apply to the real-world. With these knowledge that school already taught to me I will improve them more so that I can help those friends or future ssc students about these topic so that for them to make it more easier and for them to understand more.



  1. We both learn so much this year, it was draining but we already did it! so keep it up!

  2. It was draining this quarter but you did well, so keep up the good work!!

  3. Hi, I'm glad that you learned a lot during the 2nd quarter and i know that sometimes there are challenges that come our way. And we all know that it's always part on our journey. Keep it up^^.

  4. What a nice journey in 2nd quarter, it was exhausting but I'm glad that you didn't give up. Continue learning :)


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